•March 18, 2019 • Leave a Comment

5star-shiny-hr readers favorite

Delphys Rising by Kip Koelsch follows on from the author’s first book, Wendall’s Lullaby, and tells the story of one man’s determination and obsession to communicate with dolphins. It has always been known that dolphins are highly intelligent and that they communicate with one another via clicks and high-pitched noises, but can humans decipher these sounds, and can they respond so that the dolphins understand? Bee is a dolphin who may just be able to do that. Hans is a nine-year-old who can identify the dolphins through their sound and Dr. Evan McMillon might just have invented a means to perfect the communication with Delphys. But other forces are at work, and ghosts from his past seem determined to destroy his life’s work.


COVER FINAL FRONT ONLYThe author has crafted an amazing scenario that seems all the more plausible because of his skillful and knowledgeable writing. The characters all come across as authentic and credible, and the whole scenario leads the reader to believe that such a center exists. The setting is in Tortola, and the writer describes the scene perfectly which transports the reader to the dolphin world. I have not read the first book by Kip Koelsch, but Delphys Rising is a stand-alone book and it did not deter me from enjoying and relating to the story. It certainly encourages the reader to pick up the first book to relate to the origin of the story and to the transition of Dr. Evan McMillon. The writing and the dialogue flow well, making this an enjoyable read from the start. An author to watch.

–Reader’s Favorite, 2019



•March 13, 2019 • Leave a Comment



In 2008 a young genius conceived Delphys—an innovative dolphin communication project—while submerged in the warm, salt water of a sensory deprivation tank and dark introversion of a forced separation from the woman he loved.

Nearly ten years after that epiphany—and after years of focused research, design and construction on an isolated Pacific atoll—that genius has embraced his new identity and become Dr. Evan McMillon–finally leaving the past behind. He has even found love again.

Now his Delphys team is poised to boot up their powerful artificial intelligence, initiate the world’s first contact with dolphins and ultimately transform that conversation into something much more ambitious—a covert operation that will surprise the project’s military backers and the world.

But when Dr. McMillon loses control of that ground-breaking conversation, he discovers toxic tendrils from his past infiltrating the very core of Delphys and wrapped around his heart. He also learns of the product of one passionate memory that may be the key to regaining control and completing his ambitious plan to change the world.

My second novel DELPHYS RISING (the follow-up to Wendall’s Lullaby) is now available for sale as a paperback or an ebook on Amazon.com.


Running from The Apocalypse

•March 12, 2019 • Leave a Comment

This morning I’m running from The Apocalypse.

Now, on my best day (that’s with six months of consistent training and ten pounds off my body) I’m usually a middling to average age grouper. I may be able to pull off sub-nine miles in ideal (cool, low humidity) conditions. But The Apocalypse rarely comes for you in ideal conditions. This particular morning was no different. An unexceptional fog thickened the air just enough to obscure the streetlights–blurring the shadows–and keep the exhaust fumes and fireplace smoke hanging low–a pungent irritant. Morning sounds took on that peculiar fog-enhanced quality–muffled, yet at the same time enhanced.

All these characteristics coalesced in a keen way–letting my senses get a whiff of just how close The Apocalypse was getting and how fast it was gaining on me. Because The Apocalypse was never quiet and it stank.

That was to be expected of course. The Apocalypse was a big deal. And though it could swiftly sweep across towering mountain ranges, vast oceans and even Michigan Avenue in Dunedin, FL, it was anything but subtle.

That made getting caught by The Apocalypse even more demeaning–more destructive. I could hear it coming and I could not accelerate. I could hear the stab of one foot and the drag of the other–not an efficient stride in the least. But the power and endurance of The Apocalypse made up for that. It simply kept coming–relentless. It didn’t stop for water or Gatorade or a gel–it plowed ahead. It endured. It persevered. It never stopped.

As I passed the fire station the drag of The Apocalypse’s one foot echoed like thunder off the huge garage doors. It was closing in.

I tried to run faster–to make my feet lighter. I sucked in more air–through my mouth. Through my nose. It was thicker now–like a fresh frozen milkshake laboriously drawn through a straw of inadequate diameter. It lingered in my nose hairs–my nasal passages–and saturated my olfactory receptors with the burned diesel fuel stink of The Apocalypse.

Apocalypse Ahead Rusty Sign under CloudsMy shirt was saturated–dampness from the fog mixed with the moist, foul breath of The Apocalypse closing in. I was almost to the stoplight at Pinehurst Road–my turnaround point–and contrary to a typical morning the sky became claustrophobically darker.

I ran hard to the intersection and abruptly pivoted 180 degrees to face The Apocalypse–better to be annihilated facing the darkness. Right? Right. Yet as I completed my pivot and fell back into my normal stride I wasn’t stopped by a wall of chaos, the screeching of evil or the stink of rot–I ran unimpeded. I ran all the way home. I didn’t run any quicker. But I did run with something in my head–the idea for this little story.

JUNK MAIL REDUX: Feel the Rage

•February 4, 2019 • 9 Comments

mail-6Many of you know the adventure we’ve been through over the last three years to reduce/stop the junk mail that had been inundating my 86-year old father. At one point he was receiving up to 100 pieces of mail a day and often was duped into making donations to some very questionable “charities” and other organizations. In addition to having all his mail directed to our home, we made calls, sent emails, mailed letters and sent messages on Facebook to over 800 of these groups to remove him from their mailing lists. While the mail has not completely stopped, we now only receive 1-6 pieces of junk mail for him a day at our home.

The other thing we did (not entirely because of the mail situation, but I won’t lie and say it wasn’t part of the reason) was we moved him to a new home–AND we did not give anyone (including the U.S. Postal Service) a forwarding address.

He has lived there over a year and a half and I’ve not seen but a very occasional piece of junk mail that I’ve had to “intercept” from his pile. Well, yesterday that changed. There were three pieces of mail from some of the most nefarious of junk mail scammers that prey on the elderly and anyone with slight cognitive impairment. I was livid–and I managed to slip them into a bag and remove them from my father’s apartment.


I didn’t mention it to my father. His short-term memory isn’t really good enough anymore for me to have an impact–with either this new mail or to remind him of what we went through to stop what he was being buried under in the not-too-distant past. I just had to RAGE in my own mind at the people who use this type of “marketing” and then share that with my wife (who made the majority of the aforementioned phone calls).

Today I called two of those organizations to have his new address removed from their databases. I was lucky in that these were two that actually had phone numbers that were available with a quick internet search. Of course, I got a recording and had to leave a message, but at least there was a number to call. I can only hope they honor my request and stop pestering my father.



Again, if you have elderly parents or grandparents–even if they don’t have the slightest of cognitive impairments–get a good look at their mail whenever you can. Monitor it regularly and look for the junk that looks inflammatory, persuasive, preys on their fears (especially about Social Security and Medicare) or has an “official look” (made to look like an invoice or an official government document).

I cannot express how angry these people make me. I cannot express how exasperated I am with the Direct Mail Industry. They need to do a much better job policing their own. If not, the U.S. Postal Service or state’s attorney generals or the attorney general of the United States need to do more to protect it’s elderly citizens. I wish there was a way to fund and build a wall that would stop this crap from getting to our seniors–because right now I feel like I’m trying to hold off the invasion of Normandy with a slingshot.

Review: BookLife/Publishers Weekly

•January 25, 2019 • Leave a Comment

NEW FRONT COVER AUGUST 2018 WITH SILVER MEDAL“In Koelsch’s imaginative, plausible suspense novel, scientists around the world are baffled when hundreds of dolphins beach themselves in Texas, Virginia, and Mozambique, numbers far greater than ever previously observed.”

“Fans of the film The Day of the Dolphin will enjoy this unusual and intelligent thriller.”



•December 18, 2018 • Leave a Comment

LFL 1I can’t speak for every author, but as a relatively new fiction author there are only a few things that I’d really love to receive as gifts this holiday season.

  1. Book Reviews: if you have read and enjoyed my first novel Wendall’s Lullaby, please take a moment to go to Amazon or Goodreads and leave even a brief review.
  2. Book Sales: buy a paperback or an ebook for yourself or as a gift for someone who likes to read.
  3. Social Media Shares/Likes: if you see a post for my book on Facebook or Twitter, please share it if you can. If don’t want to share the post, please “like’ it. This is a huge help in reaching new potential audiences.
  4. Library Donations: make a donation to your local library or take a moment to donate old books to your local library or Little Free Library. Check out that Little Free Library concept too. If you really like it, think about “gifting” a Little Free Library to your neighborhood or local park.
  5. Beer.
  6. A Part-time job that allows me time to write, attend book events and produce my trail running and fun triathlon events.
  7. Book Reviews: oops, I mentioned these already.
  8. Books: I love to read fiction and non-fiction and books always make great gifts!


Of course, the greatest gift anyone can have is family and friends and I’m grateful for everyone in my life–especially my wonderful wife (and editor), Jules.

Now, Happy Reading! And Happy Holidays!

I Cried…

•November 25, 2018 • Leave a Comment

starkey 2I cried in the woods today.

It would have been easy

to blame

the droplets sliding down my cheeks

on my eyelashes


and saturated with dew

from the heavy morning fog.

But that would have been

a half-truth.

Mixed with that moisture

was the salt of my fears.

It would have been easy

to blame

the droplets sliding down my cheeks

on the sting

of hanging smoke

from early morning campfires.

But that would be

a half-truth.

Mixed with that sting

was the salt of my burdens.

It would have been easy

to blame

the droplets sliding down my cheeks

on a grain or two

of sand.

But that would be

a half-truth.

Mixed with that irritant

was the salt of my shortcomings.

It would have been easy

to blame

the droplets sliding down my cheeks

on any

of these things.

But that would be

a half-truth.

I simply cried in the woods today.

starkey woods on fire sunrise

* I don’t write much poetry anymore. But for some reason I was moved to put most of this down while in the woods running and biking at Starkey Wilderness Park this morning. Luckily I was out there working on a course for an event I produce, so I had pen and paper with me for jotting down notes on distance and trails.

I completed the poem here at home.




•November 12, 2018 • Leave a Comment

kreskin 1_LI (2)kreskin envelop deceptionThis is more of a quick RANT than a reasoned blog post as I deal with another scammer trying to dupe my father from his mailbox. Yes, The Amazing Kreskin managed to find him at his new address and send him his deceptive, elder-baiting junk mail.

It’s just unconscionable what the elderly have to endure every time they go to their mailbox. And The Amazing Kreskin is just one exploiting his “celebrity” (especially with the senior crowd) to take advantage of those living on fixed incomes and still dream of greener pastures.

kreskin return envelopeLike so many of these scam mailings there is no contact information in their materials–just a return envelope for your check or credit card number. And, lucky for me, I managed to intercept this crap before that return envelope was used by my father.

I did find an email address on the Kreskin webpage. First, I asked them if this junk was really coming from their organization. If it was, I requested my father be removed from any of their mailing and phone lists. If it’s not coming from them (hahaha–not likely) I suggested they find out who was mailing it and sue them for fraud.

I’m still waiting for their response. If I hear nothing or if they admit to this heinous act, I’ll be sure to publish their email address so that you can deluge them with complaints about their deceptive mail campaigns. This type of abuse–against the elderly or anyone–needs to stop.

Thank you for listening to me rage.

VETERANS DAY: Remember the History, Remember the Hope

•November 11, 2018 • Leave a Comment

commemoration of the centenary of the great war, USASometimes when I’m working on my fiction writing it’s so easy to become absorbed in the world you’ve created or, in the case of my current project, the history of the time period in which you are writing, that current events actually seem more distant.

My newer work-in-progress deals with the last year of World War I and the year or so following the end of that conflict. So, I’ve been absorbed in books, online articles and documentaries about the war–exploring everything from it’s causes and impacts on the world to innovative killing technologies and their severe impact on the men and women involved.

going over the top trenchesWhile most wars tend to generate evolutions in defensive designs and offensive weapons technology, the historical timing and global nature of this war saw the rapid production and development of weapons on an industrial scale. Unfortunately, it took some time (if ever) for the tacticians to adjust to the killing power of the new technologies and casualties in single battles were often of a number rarely seen across entire wars.

Chemical agents were used for the first time. Bombardments often used tens of thousands–and sometimes hundreds of thousands–of shells. “Shellshock”–what we now refer to as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)–was more pervasive and debilitating than in any previous conflict.

Because of the enormity of the loss–the enormity of the suffering–it was commonly dubbed ‘The Great War” or “The War to End All Wars.” With the end of the war, some world leaders saw an opportunity–a chance to create an international body to support alternate, non-violent means of conflict resolution and to punish nations that did not abide by the new normal. The lofty dream of the League of Nations fell apart almost immediately and was but a distant memory by the eve of a much larger conflict just twenty years later.

armistice-daySo, while doing my book research I was struck by how relevant this may be for today–especially since the date for Veteran’s Day in the United States is what many in Europe and the UK refer to (and what our holiday was originally called) as Armistice Day. Our American holiday is typically clarified as a celebration of living veterans–with Memorial Day being the holiday with which we honor those who gave their lives for our country. Yet still, I could not shake the historical link to Armistice Day, the men and women sacrificed and that brief dream of hope.

What an honor it would be for veterans–living and dead–for the world to renew that hope with a vigor befitting their sacrifices–to choose peace, negotiation, consensus and compromise as the preferred solutions to international conflict. What an honor to the millions–the lost generation–that gave their lives if we could truly remember the “War to End All Wars” as the historical genesis of something current, something positive and something larger.


Transformations: Evolution of an Environmental Ethic

•October 30, 2018 • Leave a Comment

beach and whelk eggsOne of my earliest connections to the marine environment were seashells. From a young age we took frequent vacations to visit my grandparents on Anna Maria Island in Florida. It was a thousand-foot walk to the beach–the Gulf of Mexico–and it was our daily destination. We’d often walk the beach before breakfast and then later spend hours lounging, swimming, reading and sand castle-building.

In addition to the frequent “good mornings” (and their reciprocation) from fellow walkers, those morning strolls often included keeping a keen eye out for shiny or colorful sea shells. As my interest in sea shells grew, I’d spend more and more of my other beach time picking through the shells at the wash line or just beyond the typically calm break.

As I grew a little older and a little more adventurous, donning a dive mask opened up a new world. I could swim a little farther out and I would look for actual live mollusks. At that point in time, I knew the best quality shell–the shiniest and most colorful–came from a live animal. I didn’t over-collect, but I did take my share back to the house and an old pot of water to boil away the creature inside the shell.

Cowrie ShellsAt that time I also developed a relationship with the owners of a shell shop on Anna Maria Island–when we were there on vacation year after year. I was particularly fond of cowrie shells–most of which were from areas of the Pacific or Indian Oceans. As I focused on these beautiful and uniquely shaped shells, I ordered rarer specimens–not really considering the impact of the methods used or of the demand created for exotics. I think at some point I realized they were being collected as live mollusks–but as a collector realized I was getting the best specimens that way.

field guide and horse conchWhen I was old enough (8th grade), I learned to SCUBA dive with my buddy Jackie. He was interested in seeing the fish and I was interested in just about everything else–but mostly living shells. In New Jersey, there wasn’t much that I was interested in collecting. So when we dove there, I observed the fish and crustaceans. But, on my first family vacation to Florida as a certified diver I was looking to get out on a boat and dive–for the fish, for the overall “exotic” experience, but also to see what kind of live mollusks I might discover and collect. On the second, shallower dive of that offshore boat trip I collected two large horse conchs–living creatures.

I was excited by the dives. I was excited by the support of the boat captain/divemaster for my enthusiasm and expertise. I think he thought it was cool that I was starting so young and was so obviously gung-ho. I’m sure I thought it was cool that he made his living SCUBA diving. On the ride back to the marina he offered to take me on a commercial collecting trip with one of the owners of the sea shell store I mentioned earlier. It would be a local, shallow water trip using a surface-supplied, “Hooka” rig that floated in an innertube. Of course, I jumped at the chance.

The shallower draft boat took us off the waters between Anna Maria Island and Passage Key. There we dove in some more challenging conditions–deeper water and swift currents–in search of live sea urchins. It was a shorter dive, but we collected several large mesh bags full of critters.

Following that dive, we refueled, rested and motored over to the shallow sand flats and grass beds on the backside of Egmont Key. It’s here that we really got to work–firing up the surface-supplied rig and collecting just about everything we saw. Sigh. At the time I was excited with what I saw and what I collected–live lightning whelks, lettered olives, moon snails, banded tulips, crown conchs and sand dollars–lots of sand dollars. I remember scooping handfuls into large mesh bags as I swam along underwater–many handfuls and many bags.

On the boat trip back to the marina it was the multiple bags of sand dollars that gave my young mind serious pause–too many. I was only beginning to really understand and implement ideas of ecology, conservation and environmentalism in my own life. I knew the shell shop sold a lot of sand dollars, but that was just too many.

I’m certain that long ride in the boat back to the dock on Anna Maria Island–watching all that we collected die–was a bit of an epiphany. I never took a trip like that again. Sure, I still collected a few live shells from time to time–but even that eventually ended as I realized the impact it was having on the populations of those species.

These memories came flooding back to me recently–prompted by-the posting of a photo of a beautiful cowrie shell by an acquaintance on Facebook and by the biography of Henry David Thoreau that I had just completed.

388px-Benjamin_D._Maxham_-_Henry_David_Thoreau_-_RestoredI realized my long-ago ethical transformation had evolved in a similar manner to Thoreau’s. For several years, Thoreau funded his writing by providing specimens (birds, reptiles and small mammals) for Harvard zoologist Louis Agassiz. Thoreau killed these creatures and only later in life lamented his actions and changed his mindset and refused future requests for specimens. From that point his writing grew even more eco-philosophical in nature as well as more objective–learning the habits and characteristics of living things through patient and careful observation.

These days when I walk the beach I still look very discerningly at the shells washed along the tideline.  Occasionally I spot and pick out something special. Sometimes I’ll even carry it with me for a bit–usually setting it carefully back down a few hundred yards later and hoping another appreciative walker will pick it up. Rarely, it will go in my pocket and I’ll take it home. But, every time I  there is something I take home–a memory of my early days of shell collecting and the evolution in ethics and action it instigated.
